Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hate When People Don't Update

Don't you hate when people don't update their blog in forever. Ridiculous. Anyway, I need to get more on top of this so people with nothing better to do can see what goes on behind the scenes at our dental office.
I will have pictures to post this weekend...maybe...if I get around to it....


Pink Caboose said...

Kris, hey it's April, your long lost St. Johns cousin! I found your site through the blogvine and thought I would say hello. Your kids are super cute and I am glad to have found you. And yes, please keep it updated!!

Sara! said...

So, I heard you took pictures from INVISALIGN EXTRAVAGANZA!!! (Say that in a yell-ie voice.) I didn't get to be there for the balloons lift off, I had to pick up my baby, so show me pictures